Thursday, April 21, 2011

When Does Implantation Bleeding Start

As already overtook a few days ago, yesterday was the last long-awaited meeting with my friends to see Game of Thrones, the series that everyone speaks. It was impossible not to go with some hype, but had not seen or trailers special or had read reviews or opinions. And the result was very good. Everything you promised you fulfilled, although it also takes to find him some but.

In general, the pilot follows the book closely, with the logical leaps and temporary location as well as subtle changes in some scenes. Regarding this, I think it was a great success this introduction. One of the biggest challenges was translating the curious to see how narrative the book. Told from the point of view of eight characters, Martin gives us a very interesting context, that in the series have opted for a quick change of scenes and characters. However, in this connection, I found one catch: his lack of pace, perhaps led by some scenes, visually brilliant, I did something long and they did not have a script deeper behind. One of the most positive things the book is that it is quite theatrical. With many dialogues to his credit, his biggest challenge was not, in my opinion, moving the complex history of struggle for the throne, but these dialogues as well constructed between personajes. También en ello contribuye la poca pericia de algunos actores de mostrar emociones con un sólo gesto. En este punto se quedó algo corto. Que nadie me malinterprete. El hecho de que echase en falta algo más de líneas no quita para que no disfrutase como una enana. Porque ante todo, la hora de duración se me pasó rápido y durante su emisión, poco hablamos porque estábamos absortos en mirar el espectáculo. Ello es la mejor prueba para demostrar que disfruté mucho con el capítulo.

Por otro lado, es indudable el esfuerzo en cuanto a localización, photography, costume ... With a medieval atmosphere, the location of the various events is very successful. Contains such beautiful landscapes as you would expect of any fantasy story. However, many have complained that HBO promised an economic investment remained strong and rather short. I do not think so because this aspect was very satisfied. Also with the depiction of violence and sex, so present in the book, which seemed at all exaggerated. I think the chapter got the balance just to show those scenes in a non-free. I was not very happy, however, with the hairdresser. Maybe it's an obsession I have with the dyes, but some that could have been careful to make it more beautiful in actresses. As for the cast, in general, all liked me. Everyone gets a fairly accurate interpretation of the complex personality of the characters, but it is true it will be with the passage of the chapters when we come to love or hate more.

Finally, I still talk about the opening. Much had read that it was the best and it is true that is awesome. Like the books, the series is presented with the map showing where the fight will take place by the throne, although I need some excitement into the music and unlike others, does not put me hair like hooks. Something few have commented that it seemed to me a success was an indication of where different scenes for both readers and non readers can identify where the action unfolds.

was a gamble complex and difficult and that in general, has come out on top. The first chapter is the foundation which to build a wonderful piece. I'm sure. A good start to meet expectations and, above all, silent fears. We are nine chapters to dive into one of the best works written in recent years, but not to worry because it is already bespeak a second season.


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