Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Difference Between Green And Yellow Xanax Bars


found it! Where the monstrous city people become and the birds flying aimlessly, the silence is absolute and smells like a fireplace. A little further east of the Bell Tower and Drum, once markers of the major milestones of the day, located in the central axis of Beijing, which from north to south Qianmen, Tiananmen, Forbidden City, Coal Hill, Bell and Drum, and much further north Nest Stadium. All parks and shrines, following the principles of ba gua in feng shui, as well as my new house, facing south. Every Saturday morning we see the sun that we see in our room to the east. And at noon, if we move to the lounge (in the center of the house), there still watching, and then in the afternoon, when only looking at us askance, while hiding behind the gray roofs of the old city.

And how many things are accumulated in two years (things, only things), and how terrible they are moving. All for one year of updates and on my roof terrace, overlooking the hutones the neighborhood.

As I wonder, why there was no blue sky in Madrid? Why am I taking so long to read Soul Mountain? When can I go for my degree in Chinese? When will I get my visa and illegal situation that I encounter end?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Why Do Soccer Players Wear Headbands

another year, so and so story. I'm staying here, including gray and pink, which always set well. Buying a home in a hutong, including plastic bowls and mops with character. Between cables and hollow trees.