Friday, April 29, 2011

Red, Sore, Swollen, Hot Elbow

MEME: The 7 Wonders of the World seriéfilo

a couple of days ago, Fon_Lost made a very original entry on the 7 wonders seriéfilo . Although never mentioned it was a meme, I pick up the baton from "And yours?" to convert. It is very simple. We must choose 7 wonders that can be any element of a series: from a particular character to the garbage they have in their homes. Although he states that may be of series that are now on the air or in the future will debut new seasons, I'm going to confine only to the former. Here are my 7 wonders seriéfilo:

The wonder 1 st is the Damon torso (and your eyes and your smile ...). A part of the character itself is great (though it is now something loss), Damon out for her sculptural body. The writers know that we like to cheer the sight from time to time so that in many chapters take us without a shirt, because you have set to be the world's cleanest vampire because he's not spending time in the bathroom ... And I'm glad!

The 2 nd wonder is Kurt voice. When I spent entry, I said that was one of the most privileged voices as e s countertenor, a particularly rare because it can reach notes very difficult for men. Every time I hear it gives me goosebumps, especially when he sings musical themes is where his voice shines best, as he played in this week's chapter.
(eye. The video may contain spoilers)

The 3 rd wonder is Greendale. I've always thought about doing a second career, however, the Bologna and take so long in opposition, is what makes me rethinking because the last thing I want is to be another six years studying and passing exams and more. However, if I could enroll in Greendale, plantería me otherwise because who has not thought about going to college as well? And with those peers.

The 4 th wonder are whispers of Brick Heck. The Middle is a series minority, but those we have given an opportunity we are happy with it. Of all the characters, he notes, no doubt, Brick, a child something strange. Among his eccentricities, with the one I laughed it with whispers. Tic that has ever played a dirty trick (only say "t" to avoid spoiler), but can not help and I hope you keep doing it.
Gossip Girl, hahaha.

La 5 ª wonder is Asterix, I say, Astrid . When talking about the greatness of Fringe, which is great, almost never the often mentioned, however, the tandem that made her and Walter's anthology as at that time. But it is also the shoulder to the other partners are supported, you know the right words to reassure people and carries out the crazy experiments Walter with a agunate immeasurable.

Gene is also a wonder, eh? ^ ^

The 6 th wonder is Treme music. A week ago, I could not have included, but as Sunday opened its second season, here it is. It is an excellent series, that beyond history the rebuilding of New Orleans, each chapter gives us a great soundtrack to that I never tire of hearing it.

The 7th wonder is Hawaii. Every time I finished a chapter of Hawaii 5-0 win a terrible fall I go, because they show us a beautiful landscape with white beaches, a lush green forest in which to get away and relax. I have proposed a days to go.


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