Saturday, October 10, 2009

Best Places To Take Pictues In Reno, Nv Area

Nieva in November two years

already completed a national holiday and here the village is not knowing what to do, well yes, the Shanghai Expo, which will soon play. This is a permanent career to nowhere, theirs say. Mine is still pedaling a bike between cars and auto rickshaws, through parks, megaconstructions communist grandparents parks walking birds, hypermodern skyscrapers, grimy and avenues hutones model. This city \u200b\u200bthat has everything but has nothing, the long time spent will never be comfortable. Lives are too programmed, too little space for time being. And those eyes that see nothing, the Truman show that many expatriates, are welcomed and accommodated. And those others who criticize everything.

The country, which have charged, there is nothing to do: barren landscapes implausible, the horror of them, tile saw and cement, the field is no field, barren land, forests exist, gray sky, air to breathe. I was so hard to believe and understand ... So every day, trying to get close to something that is located ten thousand light years. The group, the individual does not exist. Orders and commands, no hotbed of ideas. As with everything, there is never a whole, though part of the same: some are, that are not equal.

moon cakes in the Mid-Autumn, luckily there is still the lunar calendar, the most true to life, tradition, agriculture, even better would be to say that these are the faithful to the calendar, seasons, lunar cycles, solstices and equinoxes, and the pagan festivals become religious, however, the origin is the same, here and everywhere. Conclusion, the oneness of everything. But no equal.

So I was in Xiamen, on the shores of the Strait Taiwan, making moon cakes (yuebing), looking at Catalina at the time of the year that shines the brightest.