Sunday, May 8, 2011

What To Say In A Card Death Anniversary

The day I died of happiness with Fringe

(eye If you do not know what happened to each universe,
stop reading because you can get hurt.
Spoilers of all Season Three Fringe )

Last year in the second season, Fringe proved he could play with two worlds in collision and not get damaged . This year has shown is that there are no limits in science nor in the imagination. In the former, I believe everything and I'm not scientific so I do not question anything. As for the second, it's amazing they have not already put on a pedestal to the writers who get chapters that surprise is even greater. On the other hand, the work they have done John Noble and Anna Torv has been incredible.

As occurred last year, much had to suffer more after its renewal and the decision of his way to Friday. However, the producers were very optimistic and the end came as welcome news. For now we will enjoy this great series for another season, but for now let's review how it has developed the third.

The day ... the quality was a fact.
This third season had a very difficult challenge was to maintain or exceed the quality of the second season. And he has. This third season has a master DELETE very rarely seen today. The first batch of episodes to the exchange Olivia was extraordinarily magnificent, perhaps best of all series, "while the second round perhaps the level down a tad, but still, it was also excellent. The difference between them is essentially the center of attention. While the first gets deeper into the feelings of the characters, how the facts change perceptions and emotions, especially Olivia, the second is more of the action, how it develops way to destroy one of the worlds . The first explores the psychological more than putting up a building interesting characters that underlies the second that tries not to that and that is lost with things as trivial a priori as the return of William Bell (though that serves to fascinate with the vocal talent of Anna Torv)-note: I say a priori because after reading an interview producers I have a question. However, overall, this third season has been full of WTF moments, tender moments and romantic, disgusting moments, great moments ... In short, a delight in every way.

On the other hand, have continued to pay close attention to detail and I am not referring to the famous Easter Eggs or glyph or clues they leave behind in each of the episodes, but all those little incredible things they do everything. Costumes, decor, music, openings ... all formed their own universe, a universe sublime. Also if last year we had a musical episode, in this left us a magnificent chapter in which much of the plot is materialized in cartoons. Very original.

The day ... the universes had their role.
One focus of this season was the presence of two universes at once so similar and so different. Alternating episodes in either universe has starred in the first part of the season, then came back to ours, although we never left the side over there, because in one way or another was always present. But as happened in the second on it, also very well known chapters autoconclusivos mix (and without lowering the level of) with the main plot. Also, some just used them to reinforce or deepen the main plot. But more important was the collision of two universes that was resolved, at least in principle, provided we take as seen in 2026 and that the disappearance of Peter in 2011 is not going to change that future (and that past and present .) Finally one of the universes had to be eliminated and as we all could imagine was over there that finally ended at the hands of Peter. After getting into the machine that was built especially for him, the universe red disappears, but do not really know how. The only thing in our universe Peter and Olivia Walter is married and is locked again. In the future, Walternate has managed to survive and come to this universe in some way to get revenge on Peter and Olivia kill 15 years later.

The day when ... there was a major deconcierto
All end, the question of Judgement, has caused much confusion. I think no one could expect. It was a way to reinvent and could not keep pulling the collision of universes. A lot of this has angered, others had already left and others will love it. I am in the latter group. I think it was a very smart choice to respond, yet without giving it and leaves much open for the next season. On many occasions over the last chapter discusses a third possibility in the battle of universes. This third possibility was the disappearance of Peter. As he rightly says, this is not a war that can be won, our two worlds are inextricable (difficult to disentangle, very intricate and confusing - yes, I had to look) , if he dies first, we all die, so I created holes in the two universes and have been here to this room, a bridge so we can start working to fix . That bridge is it. He is the way to cheat the rules of time. From the second season (the first has always gone its own) has been the engine and it was natural that here too it was. And here are all the interpretations that we want to make sure at the premiere of the fourth fall, but no, we will let of them, right?

The day ... love triumphed.
Something that we all knew that sooner or later would end up happening was the relationship between Peter and Olivia. The first did not elaborate much, but the chemistry between them was undeniable. In the second, began to take their flirtation and was the beginning of the relationship, but has been in the third when it is completed. This relationship continued into this season, although there was an exchange of Olivia, because Peter thought it was our Olivia. However, the discovery and return of Olivia provoked a major crisis. It became a litmus test before they were on Christmas vacation, which I wondered if Olivia was able to love and now we are in readiness to answer. Having overcome the fears and resentments, love triumphed. She was able to leave everything behind to go for his relationship with Peter. Clearly, both unaware of the events of the universe red: the pregnancy and subsequent birth of Olivianate.

... The day Walter was exalted.
John Noble has done an immeasurable in this third season both in his role as the great Walter Walternater proud of. At first, Walter was a mad scientist, but later we discovered a far more interesting than looking for love and forgiveness of his son and tormented by all the consequences that their experiments had caused. Much has been learned about Walter, especially in the 3x15, which we saw that not everything is toss . Now we like cool, but it was not always the sweet man we know. I have never renounced that although Walter is an adorable character, his actions from an ethical and moral can be very actionable and even some hateful. So I think it was a success that in 2026 Walter was convicted of everything he did. It's a way to take responsibility for everything. On the other hand, has gotten very good that we hate Walternate. Haughty, arrogant, conceited. A man moves by hate and revenge than anything else.

The day when ... many answers were obtained.
The season finale that left many questions unanswered and others that has caused. Some hope to be resolved in the following season, but I know many will not be answered before and the truth, I do not care. I have never pretended that Fringe was a closed and well armed. However, there is one that will mark the fourth season and is fundamental: Peter. According took in: " They do not remember Peter ..." "How could they? He never existed ... It served its purpose " . But we do, so the question is how to lead this. Are there now or are these two worlds have become one? How a third party? Will they use the theory of events in the past conditions changed (or not) the future? What was the purpose? "Without the existence of Peter, is the collision of universes? And the white tulip?


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