Sunday, May 15, 2011

Safe To Give Dogs Clonazepam

hi five! Song of the month

This is the anniversary month of the smoke, the dirt, the malice of filth , of \u200b\u200bcomplicity, of cunning. It has been almost 5 years since I started writing down here. At that time the stage and my life were very different from what they are now. I write for the sheer joy of writing. The satisfaction of being able to devote myself to something, so I just read my sister and two cats. Something that fills me and I love it. You can register, as I have changed, as have mutated and as I keep moving.

In 2006, he was por comenzar mi tesis, terminando la carrera, tenia novio y tenía otros planes sobre lo que haría con mi vida. Era una economista wanna be que se estaba especializando en Comercio Internacional y Regulación. 5 años después, no hago ni lo uno, ni lo otro. El tiempo me ha enseñado, que mientras más planeo, más me sale todo diferente. No soporta que lo subordine, y lo controle, como yo.

Hace 5 años también, me encontraba trabajando en ADEX . Lo mejor de ese trabajo fueron los amigos que hice y todo lo que aprendí. En un momento eramos 10 mujeres y 1 hombre. Que paciencia tocayo tanto estrógeno y lágrimas are only for the brave. After all this time, the friendship continues and strengthens. Another thing I liked that it was going to chamba negotiations and thrilled by half pastrulos models of trade. He dreamed of being an expert negotiator cream and work in the disputes committee of the WTO , or at least make a tiny internship there. One of the moments I remember most about these adventures, other than brownies albinos, (you know my disastrous experience with the chocolate) was when Venezuela resigned from the CAN. then representative of that country impotence wept as he left an organization that, until now, no one understands how it really works but has a common external tariff. His despair moved me. I have this image in my mind even as it was yesterday: His words, the room, his clothes, waiting for the press, the flashes ... and I a few rows back, watching ... as usual. I recorded some of the chamba experiences in this blog. The big trip to Argentina, full of professional success, the first thing I did to a Mexico that brings me fond memories and gives me answers when we meet. Eurocentro , fairs, adventures with Clau and goodbye.

Parallel to these adventures labor, a struggle was taking place with the beloved papper. I had a great partner and that was the main ingredient for success despite not sleep, up 10 kilos, never lower our heads even though health rebelled and crying uncontrollably that came down the road together . That great! sublime.

Anyway, I could write so much, because I feel that in these 5 years I lived and I've changed more than it changed in the past 20 years. Not only were the brackets did wonders for the 40 diets, I was faithful to the psychologist, because I graduated and can finally embrace the professional writing and communication as I always wanted and I generated a thousand frustrations when he fought with the economy in the corridors of the Pacific. Because when I walked by the Faculty of Arts at the Cato on my first Chamber to 18 years, and the smell of paint I got through the pores and squeezed my heart to feel that he could not dedicate my entire body at one of the things he loved most. Because I learned to have a little more patience. Because the nights at the clinic, in solitude, in the thousands of fears, thousands of smiles, in supporting the great people that have surrounded my way and that today make me feel infinitely fortunate to letting me be part of their lives. It allows me to say (always with investigations and foundations) about relationships, love, opinions, poetry and spontaneous pastruladas . Because data is recorded ... because it is a great trip. Because we must never tire of learning ... for almost 5 years of smoking have been fond filthy. Smoking filthy living , pink and purple, mustard, Coca Cola, good sex, good friends, mathematics, Social Media, challenges and Hello Kitty .



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