Friday, May 13, 2011

My Dogs Butt Looks Inflamed

apologies to the dance floor: 2x20 Glee

(eye. If you do not know who have been crowned as king and queen of the dance,
stop reading.
Spoilers ; Glee 2x20)

Oh, yeah! Glee Best is back! After the last chapter that I did not like and some downturn in recent times, though not as much as others note, I have been enjoying a series to 200%. Music, laughter, joy, sadness ... It even made me super short! Come on, I'm thrilled. It shows, right? But I'll tell you why I liked it so much.

After several weeks, in the chapter this week attended the prom. The chapter begins with a meeting between Figgins, Sue and Will in which the director proposes to hire Will New Directions to liven up the dance. Although at first rejected the invitation after learning that he would pay $ 400! accepted. We need it for the bus, because costumes and orchestra as we know it. By the way, we again have some touch of which I loved Sue, who even calls Will chin ass (I guess to justify Will this put an t-shirt with his absence), said some of the songs "odious" that Glee Club has sung, although I do not share.
dance around the problem is that some people do not find partners. One of them is Mercedes, but there is her friend Rachel to tell her not to worry because he has a plan. I said sometimes I loved this friendship and I am sorry that did not develop further. Sam, Mercedes and Rachel come together to make a trio, but not dirty, to attend the dance together. But the trio soon became a quartet, because it appeared Jesse. I knew it was going to appear, but not how and I must say I loved your entry. Perfect. But the truth is that it came with too much ego gone and so I squeaked something because the time table before going to the prom, well ... Or maybe you remember me more charming. Yes, it was something superb but not quite. In the end, will the four to the dance and as we could imagine, this causes jealousy that while Finn is with Quinn, who has long put Rachel eyelets and has been the return of her ex-boyfriend the straw that broke the camel. I do not know if it ends to convince them to return back to this plot, which means that ... We need more boys in the choir! And if they are good, better ^ ^.
Another of the couples dancing are Blaine and Kurt . For some time there is change of roles, which does not understand and I start to mosques. "Bone is now Blaine who will not defend tooth and nail to gay and Kurt strong? Well, we will accept. So Kurt convinces him to go and face his past. To avoid problems, the league antibullyng, This is Santana and Karofsky, will protect up to the gala and this has the effect Karofsky asked forgiveness.
Other couples have been Brittany and Artie and Puck and Lauren . The first, remember that they are no longer partners, but it seems that Artie has regretted her decision and wants to return to the blonde. I love that she stood firm and communicate a very logical reasoning. However, Artie wants to keep trying and Puck and partners with which they begin to see that their reputation is falling from one with Lauren and they plan to do a trick in dancing. But this not just good because Artie is caught by Sue takes him to his office for questioning. Of course the minute I least liked the chapter and not so much Sue, but because I believe they did not paint anything.
already at the ball, we must address both. First, the effect Jesse. As I said before, the jealousy of Finn are increased to the point where you strike a blow for Jesse, with the subsequent expulsion by both. The strangest thing of all is that we see happening later and would have been fine. Second, the coronation of king and queen dance . I knew who would be elected and although at first I did not like, I have to admit that was a wise decision. The king and queen was Karofsky, Kurt. This causes several events: first, we have the losers and the other the winner. Santana is comforted by Brittany that hits the mark by telling people what they sensed was that she was not that she was a lesbian (do not forget that Glee principle is self-esteem). Rachel Quinn hits, but she understands the situation and stays to comfort her. Bravo Rachel! I can not be more fan of her! And as for Kurt, initially, feels hurt and humiliated of course. But then is when you draw strength and tells Blaine that he has not come to flee. As I said before, total role reversal. Kurt gutsy faces around the world and is crowned as queen. What are the king and queen? A dance. Kurt is willing to dance, but not Karofsky which is still reluctant. If you said before that this story did not convince me, now just the opposite. I think a hit show those fears and doubts (both on him and Santana). Finally, have a dance with her boyfriend Blaine.
One of the things I liked best about this chapter is a return to the musical numbers versionando current hit songs, although they were only two. Yes, the classics are fine, but I missed today's. However, there is a present, but a whole clasicazo that I liked: Dancing Queen ABBA cantanda by Mercedes and Santana. A perfect crown to the chapter. Second, a present. Rolling in the deep of Adele. It is true that Adele has a wonderful voice, but the version of Jesse and Rachel I was pleasantly surprised. Third, another current inventory, but not the rate of success because I did not know before, I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you Black Kids performed by Blaine. "I thought the disappearance of the bird cult that Blaine would not return to sing? Hahaha. Rachel's song, Jar of Hearts, Christina Perri, is beautiful and she sings with feeling, but I have not finished amazed as others. It is also a bit strange choice for the slow song, right? Are not you supposed to be loving to sing something happy and not sad? Finally, Is not she lovely Stevie Wonder versioned by Artie. Sorry, but lately all that this guy sings half and half. And mention special Rebecca Black Friday. Perhaps the worst song, but has a brutal hit on youtube and and many singers have covered Katy Perry. I must confess that I really liked this version ^ ^.

As for choruses, among them are:
  • Each year I honor the prom with a bowl of punch my family's secret recipe, made all the more Meaningful to me Because it's made in the punch bowl Drowned in my grandmother. - -Sue
  • William, I have in my Spanx at all times a list of the worst songs ever performed by the glee club. And I would appreciate it if you would not reprise any of the following songs: No. 1, 'Run Joey Run.'   You should literally apologize to America for that one .   --Sue
  • Sam:  Is this a surprise party or something? Because my birthday was last week .
  • Rachel:  It was?
  • Go with God, Satan,  Santana .   --Kurt
  • Dude, that rocks. It's like gay  Braveheart  !   --Finn
  • J ohn McCain is rolling over in his grave!   --Sue
  • Eat your heart out, Kate Middleton. - Kurt
And finally, some of the dresses . Which was more beautiful in my opinion was Santana. I love the red dress and we sat like a glove. Another struck me was Lauren, the electric blue was very pretty. On the other hand, disappointed me Brittany, which has been much more cute sometimes, and Tina. Please stop you dress well. Rachel dresses and Quinn, I do not say much. And Kurt, I am also disappointed in part. The top I really liked the kilt instead finished I like to dance. In conclusion, it could have invested some of those 400 € in the dresses ^ ^.

A large and comprehensive chapter that got me excited. We will see the great dreaded next chapter to see what ultimately happens with "it" and on the other hand, will establish if the return of Jesse is for better or for worse.


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