Saturday, May 14, 2011

Great Wedding Reception Programs Examples


(eye if you do not know who has apologized in the last chapter of The Vampire Diaries ,
stop reading.
-Spoilers up to 2x22 of The Vamprire Diaries )

The poster of the last chapter of The Vampire Diaries comes with the phrase " There is time to forgive? " And that is the question that has hovered in my head recently. This second season of TVD has not been as round as the first. For the record has been good overall, but I can not help having a feeling that has given us fill many chapters. Even the last that could have served as an ideal starting third season and have left Chapter 21, The Sun Also Rises , as a final estupendísimo. I do not mean that it was a bad season, but has lost some strength and the pace so dizzying that we had become accustomed. However, it has given us a first half performance, the presence of Isobel, sculptural bodies ... And for that I forgive those faults or slumps that have had ( especially around Christmas holidays ).

Beyond the struggle between good and evil, vampires and magic, the focus is the love triangle between Damon, Ellen Stefan and . Much has been Damon's relationship with Elena and Stefan and more after pleading Elena, but then you erase the memory. This has had its culmination with the intention of saving Elena by all means, even trying to turn into a vampire. However, she makes me angry we find a hunido Damon does not mind that suicide and more knowing that his time is short, but not before apologizing to Helena, a year off his hat. This shows, if there was any doubt that their feelings are real. However, it will be saved twice by Stefan. Stefan's sacrifice of leaving Mystic Falls and become a cruel vampire open the door to the possible relationship between Damon and Elena and after the close of the last chapter, it was clear that Damon was not going to die. Something that many, including me, expected to happen sooner or later.

Unlike this, the second triangle that has been in water for borage is to Tyler, Caroline and Matt . After the discovery of Tyler as a werewolf, there was a special chemistry between him and the vampire, only broken up after him. If the first part of the year Caroline was discovered as a character Interestingly, strong, determined and intelligent, in the final chapters have not been. Matt knows his secret that he has more harm than good and even the return of Tyler in the last chapter has helped. This is also because in the season finale the plot is not it, but realizing the reconciliation between her and her mother, something quite insignificant to me. The question for the third season will see what frame gives this character who has missed a lot.

Another couple that has formed over the second season is the Bonnie and Jeremy . Boonie I always thought that was a very missed and I still think the same. A witch has always given this series a special mystique, however, it looks more like a mockery of this type of character than anything else. It seems that if you do not know how to fix a problem, there's Bonnie with her powers can solve everything else because to not do. Not even to have a relationship interesting, because yes, your relationship with Jeremy wears me out and not only him but the relationship itself. The time when almost kill him, I thought a little hope, but no. Jeremy (I start to think you have 7 lives as cats) have had to find something magical to be something interesting. Melinda Gordon is now the vampires. Maximum stunned to see how to develop this as though it cost me to admit it, is original and may give some charisma (if not kill it and please.)

If there is something that fails miserably The Vampire Diaries is the secondary characters. It is clear that the characters are who they are, but the cast that accompanies it is very sloppy. Apart of the five discussed above, we were Jenna, Alaric, John and Katherine . The first two were a couple great until she was murdered by Klaus. The writers have something against the family because they are Gilbert has been charged at all (except for Jeremy who saved every few minutes ...). Jenna's a shame that disappear, not the John that it does not matter because it was heavy. The issue will see what happens with Alaric, whether to continue or not in the series, now that it has something to be grasped. In the last episode we saw a fatherly air about Jeremy, but I do not know if that will be strong enough to stay. Just ask or go out or not, but everything with logic. (In the background, I hope you become a kind of Giles (Buffy ) or something). Katherine And also I understand it. Has gone from being a bitch to fade gradually with the passage of the chapters into a toy Klaus service.

And finally we have Klaus. The whole season has been named, but it was not until the end when we have put face (although at first was that of Alaric, Klaric-). Klaus gives very good type and bad foul, cruel, selfish and murderous, but there something missing. I do not know if it's a more interesting story behind or know something of the past that explains why all the relationships or what. However, puntazo that he was the cure for Damon went well (although I expected something more original.)

All season had a taste of trying to save a few frames that had agonized on several occasions, but ultimately had always survived thanks to some details and characters that gave him enough breath to survive. However it has to solve some details I have been sparing in both seasons, but in one third longer. Mainly to balance the presence of characters and plots. There is still time to return to the fold and be as good as the first, giving us all that we love: love, speed, death, celebrations ... I guess that everything will be related to that Klaus had saved all the bodies of their relatives, the original vampire and therefore very powerful. This coupled with the new alliance makes Stefan vendetta Damon, Ellen and company is very complicated. But for this we have to wait until September.

PD. I do not know if the first was so absorbed that I did not realize, but the second has a large sound track that can not stop listening.
PD. In Mystic Falls, there should be no unemployment, because the owners of costume stores must have a job to give and take.


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