(NOTE If you do not know what default does not support
each of the members of New Directions, stop reading.
Gle Spoilers and 2x18)
Love the cap! From start to finish! This it is my Glee! And I've been great this week! Injection of "Born this way"! Yes, I start my review with the same phrases that I put just after the episode on twitter, because I think they perfectly sum up what I think. After last week's chapter was very afraid and more knowing that this episode lasted longer than we are accustomed. However, at no time has made me long or heavy. But, hey, let's go point by point because there has been little things that I liked more and others that I liked less.
The chapter begins with Rachel accident . Because of their dowries as a dancer, "Finn Rachel hits the nose causing him minor injury. Both go to the doctor who advises Rachel that could pass as a nose. Although initially doubt the doctor knows very well as Camel and says this will improve your chances of becoming an actress and even her voice. And we all know as Rachel, is appointed and accepts it. But unlike its peers, which put enough paste. Will uses this to send you weekly assignments (I say ... this man is prepared once the classes?) That is singing a song of acceptance. Quinn is the only one who supports and will accompanies the surgeon, because then we discovered his secret, but not get ahead. Rachel's friends think that you should not operate and will organize a flashmob fun in a mall that does not convince her to get operated.
Along the way, the main character is Santana. I must confess that whenever I like. You think that to be prom queen, win votes if Kurt gets back and it has to convince Karofsky. Finally achieved with the agreement that will couple to hide the fact that both are gay, because one thing is clear she has it and another to be prepared to tell the world. In addition, antimatones form a club (with jacket and everything!). First step: to convince the Glee Club, succeeded. Second step: to convince Kurt . So organize a parent-student-teacher. Kurt, who is smarter than everyone accepts him back after Karofsky confess the real reasons for the change and also "to educate." Santana has a very interesting conversation with Brittany that is gradually helping her friend to accept and even gives him the shirt lesbian who finally put the stalls of the final performance.
But Santana is not the only one seeking the coveted crown, we also have to Lauren. Sorry I can not take it and all his plots bore me. To defeat the enemy, you need to know your dirty laundry and that's how we discovered the great secret of Quinn (as if no one had imagined and ... or just me? Too topicazo). His secret is that before was fat and ugly grain nose. However, the play goes wrong with Lauren because this change causes many support Quinn, especially the triplets I hope to see them again, because I am a big fan of them.
Is not there a resemblance? |
As for musical numbers, which I liked most was to Kurt, because this guy always gives me goosebumps. Interpreted in a wonderful way As if We Never Said Goodbye musical Sunset Boulevard . Actually I see a bright future for Chris Kolf in the world of musicals. The one that I really liked is I feel Pretty / Unpretty of West Side Story, played by Quinn and Rachel. I think they make a very well done mashup. At the podium, also would be located Born This Way , Lady Gaga, ending the chapter taking all their flaws (though some do not understood how the Mercedes). A version that perfectly matches that of the eccentric singer. Then I have a problem with Somewhere Only We Know by Keane Academy Dalton Warblers, which I liked as a song, but do you really have to sing in all chapters? Now you do not, right? And finally, I've Gotta Be Me, Sammy Davis Jr and Mike Finn and accompanied by the dance. The best, without doubt, Mike. I really like dancing, though I were very familiar steps (are not they the last week?). And no, I forget the flashmob. There was heard Barbra Streisand Duck Sauce, in which both New Directions and a corps de ballet the dance without singing. Very funny this scene and take blame for last night listening to the great Barbra.
As for choruses, this chapter has been for many, including the following:
- You Have weird, puffy, nipples pyramid. They look like they're filled with custard. You Could dust with powdered sugar Them, and They Could pass for dessert. - Santana (although the best was when Sam came over to Finn)
- I Really Do not Like That term, it sounds too scientific. I prefer neat freak or cleanybug . - Emma
- 'm a closet lesbian and a judgmental bitch, Which Means one thing: i have awesome gaydar. - Santana
- Kurt Hummel's back to McKinley .- Kurt
- Legend has it Tahta When I Came out of my mother, I Told the nurse She Was fat. - Santana
- The only straight I am is straight-up bitch .- Santana
- ... Because You're Lebanese, and I think I'm bi- curious. " - Brittany
As I said before, I really liked this episode, which takes up very well the spirit of Glee -improvement and self-esteem. Also, do not know how they did it, but have managed to cram more minutes with more plot and did not seem that everything was stretching too much. Watching the episode titles and a couple of photos that have tumblr spoiler can make a frame around, but do not worry, do not say anything more to not spoil anything. We'll see who comes to confirm if she has the great Glee and last week was a small bump or not. Just say I love the looks of Sue! But that will be next week ....
PD.1 My congratulations to the make-up because they have made Rachel's nose passes through all stages of a bruise and it very real.
PD.2 really looks better the other nose to Rachel, but it did on the reality would lose much of the charm it has.
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